Kadir van Lohuizen | Consequences, Brazil, 2009

Kadir van Lohuizen | Consequences, Brazil, 2009

from €850.00

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

Caption: Brazil, Para State, October 2009, Workers carry the charcoal into trucks, which will take it to the smelters in Maraba. Each basket weighs 50 kilos.

Charcoal ovens owned by Enio Jugue Barbosa, son of Antoninho Barbosa are using illegally logged wood. 47 ovens and will be increased to 200 in the near future. The charcoal will be used in the smeltery Sidepar in Maraba.

The increase in cattle made Brazil the biggest meat exporter of the world. The cattle, fires and the production of charcoal has put Brazil on the list as the third largest polluter in the world and contributes therefor to 18% of the greenhouse effect.


  • Fine Art Baryta Paper Print

  • Open Edition

  • NOOR Authentic Stamp on the verso

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