A Million Shillings - Escape from Somalia by Alixandra Fazzina

A Million Shillings - Escape from Somalia by Alixandra Fazzina

from €40.00

Across the Horn of Africa, war, abuse and poverty make millions miserable and drive thousands to attempt to flee. With land borders cut off or closed, and surrounded by conflict on all sides, one of the only means of escape is by sea. This book follows the journey of desperate emigrants, or tahrib, to their embarkation points with smugglers on the coast of Somalia, on a perilous voyage across the Gulf of Aden, and onward in the search for a better life.

Publisher: Trolley
Year: 2010
Binding: Hardback with jacket
Pages: 368
Format: 160x214
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-904563-84-6

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Artist: Alixandra Fazzina
Publisher: Trolley
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-904563-84-6
Publication Year: 2010
Binding: Hardback with jacket
Pages: 368
Format: 160x214
Illustrations: 350

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