On Revolution Road by Yuri Kozyrev

On Revolution Road by Yuri Kozyrev

Sale Price:€35.00 Original Price:€50.00

**Signed Copies**

Call it the Jasmine Revolution, the Arab Spring or the Facebook Revolution, there’s a powerful Sirocco blowing across North Africa and the Middle East.

Much of the reportage on this world-changing wind has focused on the common threads that run across the region: the youthfulness of the revolutionaries, their clever use of social media websites and their embrace (for the most part) of nonviolent protest as a political tool.

But as Yuri Kozyrev crisscrossed the region, capturing images from Libya to Egypt to Bahrain, he was just conscious of the differences encountered: the rebels in Benghazi and the protesters in Bahrain may both be fighting tyranny, but their approach and aspirations are not the same.

He came to the conclusion that each revolution must be assessed in its own context, because each had a distinctive impact. The drama of each revolution unfolded separately. Each had its own heroes, its own crises. Each therefore demands its own narrative.

In the end, the differences between them may turn to be more important than their similarities.

Publisher: War Photo Limited
Year: 2011
Format: 85 x 60 cm
Language: English
Pages: 76 pages / 100 photos
ISBN 978-953-55109-8-7 

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